The Art of Kashmiri Shawls

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Kashmir is a valley in the Himalayan Mountains with a rich and ancient heritage of craftsmanship. It is a land of unique motifs and designing techniques that have been transformed and perfected over centuries. Mastering Kashmiri craftsmanship takes years of training and designing shawls is an art that has been carried forward through generations of craftsmen.

Inspired by ancient techniques, most of the shawls and stoles are first hand-woven from the raw material. Kashmiri shawls are primarily made from three types of fibres: wool, pashmina and silk. The pashmina yarn, also famously known as ‘cashmere’, comes from the hair of the Himalayan goat, a rare animal living above 4,000 metres altitude, only found in Kashmir. A variety of blends of kashmiri wool with pashmina, and silk with pashmina are also used to weave the semi-pashmina shawls and stoles .

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